Monday, June 6, 2011

our very own little treasure chest

Ever dream of a real treasure chest? Like the kind when you were a child you would hope to find in the attic of your new home, or in the middle of the woods that had been left there for years and years, just waiting for you to discover it and pry it open?
Sisters' Pickins is currently our little work-in-progress.  We have decided to share the journey of our "start-up" and it's evolution; from our personal vision to its execution.  

We begin with a snapshot into "our very own little treasure chest".  This chest was picked up last year at a small, neighborhood garage sale in Milford, Pa for twenty bucks, where it was screaming my name and I knew it had been sitting there completely neglected for way too long. And for twenty bucks?  I knew that one day, it would serve a purpose- and today is that day.  It now holds all the beginnings of our online boutique.  Everything from bags to furs, vintage linens to fedoras and the most stellar, authentic cowboy boots in a size 9.

We filled that sucker up while attempting to finish the studio, which will someday soon house all of our inventory.  When that day comes, everything will have a home and be perfectly pressed and hanging or stored neatly away on it's own shelf- just waiting to find a new home!!!
  We had no idea until we packed it all in the chest, what an amazing photo that in itself would be. When we stood back to take a look, I had a nostalgic feeling of being that child and finding this chest.

This thing is the real deal with very little room to be bargained with!